

Hi! So, yeah, perfection is my second word.
A lot of people say "nobody is perfect", but what do you mean with perfect? Is there an idea of perfection that's the same for all? I don't think so.
Personally, when I say that someone is perfect (because I do) I mean that's perfect with his/her/its flaws and stuff, and I love him/her/it because it's like that. They're perfect to me. (does it make sense?)
But I know that some people, when they say it, they mean seriously without any flaw. Usually those people are talking about their idols and I feel them, cause I used to think the same for a while.
Maybe that person to you appear like it has no defects, but I'm sure that everybody has at least one. I have more than one, my friend has one, my family have one, why shouldn't that person have one too?
Everybody, in special if famous, try to hide their flaws and problems and appear to people only in the way they want to. Have you ever tried to do this? I did a lot of times, cause I'm insicure and I don't want to appear like that. One of my friend hid me one of her problems for a while, not because she didn't trust me, but because she didn't want to appear like what she really was.
I know it sounds a little bit sad, but everyone do this, someone less then others, but we do.
So everybody can appear perfect, they could be perfect to you and just you, but nobody really is.
But if you know a person and you know him/her really well, you'll find out those flaws and, if you're friends, you'll like them with all the rest of his/her beautiful qualities. (or you could ignore them, it depends by you)

Have you ever hidden your flaws? Or maybe someone you know did it?
Comment this post, i will answer to all of them (and maybe click +1)
bye xx



So, yeah, my first word is TRY. I've chosen it because this is what I'm actually doing. I'm trying to make this blog, I hope I'm doing it great.
How many of you haven't tried something because it was too much scaring? Well, I haven't too. I'm not fearless AT ALL. This blog is a big challenge for me. A thing I've never done in a language that isn't even my mother language. But I'm trying. And you should too.
A lot of people don't try just because they're scared. But if you don't try you'll never see what will happen in the future. Maybe it won't be a good thing, maybe yes. Nobody know it if you don't try. 
With this post I want to make you think on this.
Why you shouldn't try? I mean, I know how you feel, because I felt like that thousands times, but I'm trying to change.
I prefer to try and maybe feel sad or upset later that don't and wonder forever how it would have been. Don't you think it's better?
Obviously I don't mean to try things that would make you die, because risking your life is different (and I would probably feel guilty), but you could try to do something like- one of the most popular- tell your crush that's acutally your crush, or you could try new food, experiences and stuff like that.
Sometimes trying changes your life in better.

i'll be honest, I got inspired by Niki and Sammy Albon (check them out when you can), they made me try and I want to make YOU try now.
So let me think if you liked this short thought (or if i wrote something in the wrong way) in a comment. (+1 would be nice too)
bye xx 


Hi, my name is Susanna(but call me Susan or Suzanne, I prefer them), I'm almost 16 years old and I'm from Italy.
I created this blog like one month ago but I was too scared for wrting on it. So yeah, I hope you'll like it.
I already know I'll fail with english grammar, because I'm not a genius and I don't know everything. So please, forgive me and tell me when I'm wrong. You'll help me with this bad grammar.
I'll choose a word every week and I'll write here my thoughts. I hope someone will appreciate this.
Thank you!