
Niki and Sammy Albon

So, you can already tell this going to be a little different, but I wanted to tell you a story, my story about Niki and Sammy Albon. I wanted to write this all for my "twindom anniversary" but I couldn't wait.
screenshot from the first younow I've watched
Everything started quite a long time ago, the 17th of january 2014. Almost a year ago. It all started with me clicking play on a video, a single little video that made me find two of the most amazing, lovely, funny and best people I know. I'm not sure about what video it was, probably Homemade Oreos. It doesn't really matter though. After that video I watched another and another and another, I couldn't stop. There was something special in them, something that made me feel happy. I started following them on twitter and the relationship that was created there made it even more special. 
They are always there for you and that's literally the best thing about them. Since I joined, they gained literally 72k subscribers, so many people joined the twindom -name of their fandom-, but they still tweet me and everything else. 
I (platonically) love them so much. They still make me happy as the first day I started wacthing their videos. I'm so proud of them and what they've acheived in this year; I already know they'll make me even prouder in 2015. I'd like to thank them also because of the people I met because of them. The twindom is literally the best fandom I've never been in. Everyone is so lovely and caring, exactly like them, it's more like a little family. I know there are people saying this in every fandom, but this is literally like a family. I just love them all as much as I love Sammy and Niki. 
If you're in the twindom or, who knows, you guys, I just want to thank you. 
Thank you for every single tweet, dm, email, even favourites, everything. 
Thank you for being so wonderfully great everytime. 
Thank you for being there when I need it.
Thank you for this amazing year together. 
Thank you.
Susanna. x


I know, it's been a while since the last time, I'm sorry. I won't promise it won't happen again, because, let's be serious, it will probably happen, but I'll try my best not to. 
So, as you can tell by the classic banner I put at the beginning of the post, today I'm gonna talk about photography. Why? Because I love it. I love taking photos as much as I love print them or use them for something, even if it's only for a twitter header.
Taking photos to me it's not just the action; I mean, I like searching the right place and lights, but it's more what they mean to me.
This picture, for example, may just be "good" or something to you, but it reminds me the lovely day I had with my sister and her boyfriend when I took it. Every photo I take, even if randomly, reminds me of something or someone; that's the thing I like the most of photos. 

I'd really like to become a professional photographer, but at the same time I don't. i don't know why, but I feel like if I make it become a work, I won't like it the same as I do if it's an hobby. Though it's still a great option.
If you wonder what I use to take photos (you probably don't but I'm going to tell you anyway), I use my phone. It sounds incredible, but I take almost all the pictures with my phone, a Jiayu G3. I also have a Lumix, which is hella great, but it's difficult to take it with me all the time. 
Back to the point, everything is good to be photographed. From the sky to your own bed, from the ocean to a snail, everything
I personally prefer sky and nature by the way. I just find them beautiful and underrated. I mean, everyone sees the sky everyday, but how many people stop a second and appreciate it because that day is weirdly red or full of fluffy little clouds? I really think that the things we see everyday are the less appreciated and I don't get why. I wish I could make everyone realize how beautiful is the world around us.

So, do you like to take photos too? What do you like to take a photo of? 
Comment down here :) 
S xx