So.. Hi.
If you're in the youtube community you probably know what is happening in these days. If you don't.. Well, Sam Pepper, a quite famous youtuber, made a "prank" video where he piched random girls' arses. And since then, someone decided to tell the truth and make a video talking about how he abused of her. (if you want to see the video:
Now, another girl, Ania, confessed what Jason, also known as VeeOneEye, abused of her too. (
I won't talk about their stories, because those videos explain enough. But I'm happy and proud of all of these girls who have been strong and told the world what happened to them. And i'm also happy because a few youtubers are making videos about this, like LaurBubble, Lewis Parker, Ollie Martin, NikinSammy, trying to change fans' minds.
I'll be honest, at the beginning I used to believe to Sam's words, I don't even know why. But after some blogposts and videos, I realized how blinded I was. And if I, that I'm not even his fan, was blind, I can imagine his followers. We all need to talk about this and make people realize how is the reality. They CAN'T be part of this community anymore. We don't need people like Sam or Jason here.
Now, talking as the fan I am, I'm worried and scared. God only knows how many people have been through this and we don't know it because they're too scared to write/make a video on it. And also we don't know if other people like those two are doing the same thing. That's why I'm scared. I'm scared that one of the youtubers i love the most is doing the same and I don't know it. I'm scared that one day I'll be one of those girls too scared to tell the world the truth. But I shouldn't, I shouldn't be scared. Because there shouldn't be people likle that in this community.
Anyway I hope everyone will talk about this. Because more you say, more people know about it. And if you know it, you can try to fight it.
Together we can fight it and make the community a better place.
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