

So, yeah, my first word is TRY. I've chosen it because this is what I'm actually doing. I'm trying to make this blog, I hope I'm doing it great.
How many of you haven't tried something because it was too much scaring? Well, I haven't too. I'm not fearless AT ALL. This blog is a big challenge for me. A thing I've never done in a language that isn't even my mother language. But I'm trying. And you should too.
A lot of people don't try just because they're scared. But if you don't try you'll never see what will happen in the future. Maybe it won't be a good thing, maybe yes. Nobody know it if you don't try. 
With this post I want to make you think on this.
Why you shouldn't try? I mean, I know how you feel, because I felt like that thousands times, but I'm trying to change.
I prefer to try and maybe feel sad or upset later that don't and wonder forever how it would have been. Don't you think it's better?
Obviously I don't mean to try things that would make you die, because risking your life is different (and I would probably feel guilty), but you could try to do something like- one of the most popular- tell your crush that's acutally your crush, or you could try new food, experiences and stuff like that.
Sometimes trying changes your life in better.

i'll be honest, I got inspired by Niki and Sammy Albon (check them out when you can), they made me try and I want to make YOU try now.
So let me think if you liked this short thought (or if i wrote something in the wrong way) in a comment. (+1 would be nice too)
bye xx 

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