
Niki and Sammy Albon

So, you can already tell this going to be a little different, but I wanted to tell you a story, my story about Niki and Sammy Albon. I wanted to write this all for my "twindom anniversary" but I couldn't wait.
screenshot from the first younow I've watched
Everything started quite a long time ago, the 17th of january 2014. Almost a year ago. It all started with me clicking play on a video, a single little video that made me find two of the most amazing, lovely, funny and best people I know. I'm not sure about what video it was, probably Homemade Oreos. It doesn't really matter though. After that video I watched another and another and another, I couldn't stop. There was something special in them, something that made me feel happy. I started following them on twitter and the relationship that was created there made it even more special. 
They are always there for you and that's literally the best thing about them. Since I joined, they gained literally 72k subscribers, so many people joined the twindom -name of their fandom-, but they still tweet me and everything else. 
I (platonically) love them so much. They still make me happy as the first day I started wacthing their videos. I'm so proud of them and what they've acheived in this year; I already know they'll make me even prouder in 2015. I'd like to thank them also because of the people I met because of them. The twindom is literally the best fandom I've never been in. Everyone is so lovely and caring, exactly like them, it's more like a little family. I know there are people saying this in every fandom, but this is literally like a family. I just love them all as much as I love Sammy and Niki. 
If you're in the twindom or, who knows, you guys, I just want to thank you. 
Thank you for every single tweet, dm, email, even favourites, everything. 
Thank you for being so wonderfully great everytime. 
Thank you for being there when I need it.
Thank you for this amazing year together. 
Thank you.
Susanna. x


I know, it's been a while since the last time, I'm sorry. I won't promise it won't happen again, because, let's be serious, it will probably happen, but I'll try my best not to. 
So, as you can tell by the classic banner I put at the beginning of the post, today I'm gonna talk about photography. Why? Because I love it. I love taking photos as much as I love print them or use them for something, even if it's only for a twitter header.
Taking photos to me it's not just the action; I mean, I like searching the right place and lights, but it's more what they mean to me.
This picture, for example, may just be "good" or something to you, but it reminds me the lovely day I had with my sister and her boyfriend when I took it. Every photo I take, even if randomly, reminds me of something or someone; that's the thing I like the most of photos. 

I'd really like to become a professional photographer, but at the same time I don't. i don't know why, but I feel like if I make it become a work, I won't like it the same as I do if it's an hobby. Though it's still a great option.
If you wonder what I use to take photos (you probably don't but I'm going to tell you anyway), I use my phone. It sounds incredible, but I take almost all the pictures with my phone, a Jiayu G3. I also have a Lumix, which is hella great, but it's difficult to take it with me all the time. 
Back to the point, everything is good to be photographed. From the sky to your own bed, from the ocean to a snail, everything
I personally prefer sky and nature by the way. I just find them beautiful and underrated. I mean, everyone sees the sky everyday, but how many people stop a second and appreciate it because that day is weirdly red or full of fluffy little clouds? I really think that the things we see everyday are the less appreciated and I don't get why. I wish I could make everyone realize how beautiful is the world around us.

So, do you like to take photos too? What do you like to take a photo of? 
Comment down here :) 
S xx


Meeting Sam King

If you know me or if you follow Sam King, you know that exactly one week ago there was Drew's and Sam's Milan's meet up. And it was one of the best days of my life. If you want to read how went the day from Sam's blog, click on his name. If you want to read it from a viewer, well, here it is.
So, I woke up at 7 and got ready. I went to the train station at 9.30 and took the train to Milano centrale. I felt so nervous.

I arrived at 10.40-ish. It was early but it didn't really matter to me. I wouldn't miss any second of that meet up. When I got to the Duomo, I met my friend Camilla. Then we met Ilaria and Silvia too. It was still early, we took a selfie and then talked. I was the most nervous one and they can confirm. I kept walking and moving. When they arrived, obviously late, I almost cried. I was so happy.
They got mobbed a little, then they climbed the statue and took a selfie with us all. After that, they left the statue and started talking and taking selfies with us all.

I had to wait something like one hour, but it was perfectly fine. I waited 4 hours to meet Tyler and Troye at itatube, so it was nothing compared to that. When it was my moment, Vicky made Sam move away. I was like "why now", but I met him anyway a minute later. It was my turn, I was freaking out internally. The first thing I did was hugging him. While doing that, I told him "I missed you so much". He was like "aww" and my heart melted. After that, I gave him my phone and we took two selfies. After that I gave him a letter and he thanked me. But I had a surprise for him. I edited a tshirt for him and my friend Silvia helped me. Now, if you follow him, you know what I'm talking about. If you don't, I don't know why you're reading this tbh.

(I'm the left one)

Anyway, it's the one you see in the picture. I will never forget his reaction, I wish someone took a picture of that moment. It was probably the best moment of the whole meet up. After that he took a picture of us holding that (see: the tweet) and he took it. I still can't believe he loved(and still loves) it so much.
Then me and my friends sat down a little and we had to say goodbye to Camilla, who had to go home and study. We decided that we needed to eat, so we went to McDonalds. The queue there was so long that we missed all the challenges and the photo all together. Stupid queue.

When we got back I made Sam record a little voice note for my friend who couldn't come there. She cried when I sent her that. After that we decided to take a picture all together and a lovely girl who I didn't know took it for us. When she asked it, he was next to me in the left, but I wanted to "share" him with my friends so I moved and it was a little awkward. Though we took that photo all together. I hugged him for the last time, really tight and we left.

When, at 5.320, I got home I was a little sad. It was already ended. But after something like 10 minutes, he started tweeting about the meetup. When I saw the tweet that you can see up here, I was freaking out even more than before. And, I admit, this one in the right made me cry.
This week after the meet up was the best and worst week mixed together. It was the worst obviously because I've missed him a lot. But he managed to make it the best one too for me, because he followed and dm'd me on twitter, replied to my question in a q&a, let people see the shirt in the nikinsammynsam younow and last but not least talked about it even in his blogpost.

Now, after a week, I couldn't be happier.

Hi Sam. If you're reading this (probably because I spammed you on twitter) I'd like to tell you a few things. First of all, thank you so much, you've made every single day of this week and you keep doing that. Second, I'm really glad you liked the tshirt, I was so worried you wouldn't like it. Third, I love you. You're literally the cutest person I've ever met. Remember that I'm always there for you. xx


Youtubers and sexual abuse

So.. Hi.
If you're in the youtube community you probably know what is happening in these days. If you don't.. Well, Sam Pepper, a quite famous youtuber, made a "prank" video where he piched random girls' arses. And since then, someone decided to tell the truth and make a video talking about how he abused of her. (if you want to see the video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Wgviv47pBc)
Now, another girl, Ania, confessed what Jason, also known as VeeOneEye, abused of her too. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z2R-DA7ryY&list=UUc_mDLLNs3jtAEy7qIorW0w)
I won't talk about their stories, because those videos explain enough. But I'm happy and proud of all of these girls who have been strong and told the world what happened to them. And i'm also happy because a few youtubers are making videos about this, like LaurBubble, Lewis Parker, Ollie Martin, NikinSammy, trying to change fans' minds.
I'll be honest, at the beginning I used to believe to Sam's words, I don't even know why. But after some blogposts and videos, I realized how blinded I was. And if I, that I'm not even his fan, was blind, I can imagine his followers. We all need to talk about this and make people realize how is the reality. They CAN'T be part of this community anymore. We don't need people like Sam or Jason here.
Now, talking as the fan I am, I'm worried and scared. God only knows how many people have been through this and we don't know it because they're too scared to write/make a video on it. And also we don't know if other people like those two are doing the same thing. That's why I'm scared. I'm scared that one of the youtubers i love the most is doing the same and I don't know it. I'm scared that one day I'll be one of those girls too scared to tell the world the truth. But I shouldn't, I shouldn't be scared. Because there shouldn't be people likle that in this community.
Anyway I hope everyone will talk about this. Because more you say, more people know about it. And if you know it, you can try to fight it.
Together we can fight it and make the community a better place.




so.. Hi.
I know, I haven't written here in a lot of time now, but I'm back. I'll make another post soon as apologize.
Today's word it's donate. Connor Franta inspired me this post, with his fundraiser campaign(if you want more details, here's the link: http://bit.ly/1uzxF2c).
Being an almost 16 years old, I used to feel like I can't do anything for helping people. Well, I was completely wrong. With the money you would spend for a shirt (the expensive ones) you could literally SAVE SOMEONE'S LIFE. There are so many projects and you, yes YOU, can make a difference.
If you're like me and you haven't got a lot of money but you really want to help people, I found something that could help you in this.
I took a little box and everytime I get some money, I put a part of it in the box. It could be 1 euro or ten, it doesn't matter. And, when you have a little, you can choose the campaign/project/association that you want and donate. If you don't know which one, you can always go on prizeo.com, which is my favourite website ever. Maybe in that moment one of your favourites is doing a fundraiser campaign, you can donate to the one they say and maybe even win a day with them. And if you don't win, you will have a reward anyway. For example, I donated to the trevor project for Tyler Oakley. I didn't win, but donating 50 euros I got a beautiful shirt.
All of these campaign, made me realise how powerful are the teenagers if they want. I mean, Tyler is famous, I know, but half a million dollars raised, when he expected less than 200, it's amazing.
We can change the world for better.

And you? Have you ever donated? What you felt doing it? Comment down here.
bye xx



So, today will be a little different than usual. I'll talk about a word as usual, but at the same time I'll talk about my day too.
Earlier this day, I went cycling a bit (my favourite work out ever, after taekwondo(martial arts, I've been practicing that for 4 years)) and I decided to go in this long street in the midlle of the woods that I love.
the start of the lovely "via Gaggio" (don't mind the italian signs)
It's 3-4km long, all in the middle of nowhere, making you feel really good. It's a good place if you need a moment for yourself, for working out or just breathe better air than usual. Or, as me, for all of them.
At the end of this street, there's a long part downhill (that will be your death when you want to get home) and at the end of this too, there's a little bridge with beneath a canal.
that's the bridge, but i think you got it already.
Then you can choose if go and follow the canal or just sit down and enjoy the beautiful view of the land beneath you. (or the canal too, you have a lot of choices.)

some of my photos of today.
 Then, after a hour, I went home.(this was the hardest part ever)
After days like this one, I wonder how some people can not appreciate or hate going out. Being lazy  shouldn't stop you. I mean, I'm one of the laziest people ever, but I love this.
I go rarely there, but every time I really love it. I think everyone, at least once a month if you're really really a lazy person, should go in a place like this one. It makes you feel better in every way possible.

And you? Do you go in the middle of nowhere sometimes or you lay on your bed all day all the time?
Tell me in a comment if you want and +1 if you liked this.
Thank you.

bye xx



A lot of people say "why can't i be happy for the rest of my life? Why everytime something good happens there's always that bad thing that destroy everything?" and this made me think.
I don't know if it's only me, but I think that without being sad sometimes, you can't enjoy at all your happiness. Of course I'm not saying that being upset is a good thing, but I can't imagine my life always happy. If only good things happened, I wouldn't appreciate a friend's message trying to cheer me up, a song which I'm sure will make me feel better and stuff like this.
I can't imagine my life always happy, but I can't imagine it even only sad. It needs to be balanced, good and bad things, and it all depends by us, by our choices. We can be positive or negative people, we can see that thing in a good or bad way. We can choose to be happy or not.
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it's happened" 
    -Theodor Seuss Geisel  

This is  my favourite quote ever. Probably because it helped me time ago. I know it sounds weird, but a simple sentence changed my life. I used to be really depressed after my dream became true more than one year ago. Then I searched random quotes for a project and I found that one. It opened my eyes. Why should I have been sad? Yes, it's over, but my dream 'came true. So, from that moment, I started being happier. And now, every time I feel bad, I think about the good things that happened in my life. I'm a little nostalgic, but it helps. And if that good thing that happened is making me feel sad, I try to focus on something else.
If you feel sad or depressed, talk with someone who can help you. I felt in that way, I know sometimes do it all alone is difficult, but with a true friend you can feel better. They know how to make you happy.

So, have you ever felt really sad? How did you fight it?
Comment with your story, if you want. Maybe you could help someone who needs it.

bye xx



"sweet" is this week's word.
I chose this because this week, in special today, in my twitter feed,I've found really a lot of sweet tweets. Tweets to a friend, to singers, youtubers, etc. and all this makes me happy.
I love seeing all these cute messages, even if they're not for me.
Tyler Oakley once tweeted this and I yesterday found it in my screenshots:

It made me think really a lot and I realized how sometimes everyone need a little bit of love, that everyone could give.
Now I have a project, the "make someone smile" project. I know it's not that big thing, but I'm sending love by dm's (140 hearts) to random people. Sometimes i receive as answer "you made my day" and I feel so happy. Being a little sweet never hurts.
Today, being in the twindom (Niki and Sammy fans), something beautiful happened. We usually always joke, we never really tell them how much we actually love them. But we did this. It's like an appreciation day and I love it. Everyone is really sweet and I hope they'll realize it.
I know this post it's crap and short but I really want to write these things today.

Being sweet really helps sometimes. Maybe you're not that kind of person, but I'm sure everyone is at least a little.
And you? Are you always sweet or have you done anything really cute for one of your relatives/friends/favourite people ever?
Write in in a comment here <3
bye xx



Hi! So, yeah, perfection is my second word.
A lot of people say "nobody is perfect", but what do you mean with perfect? Is there an idea of perfection that's the same for all? I don't think so.
Personally, when I say that someone is perfect (because I do) I mean that's perfect with his/her/its flaws and stuff, and I love him/her/it because it's like that. They're perfect to me. (does it make sense?)
But I know that some people, when they say it, they mean seriously without any flaw. Usually those people are talking about their idols and I feel them, cause I used to think the same for a while.
Maybe that person to you appear like it has no defects, but I'm sure that everybody has at least one. I have more than one, my friend has one, my family have one, why shouldn't that person have one too?
Everybody, in special if famous, try to hide their flaws and problems and appear to people only in the way they want to. Have you ever tried to do this? I did a lot of times, cause I'm insicure and I don't want to appear like that. One of my friend hid me one of her problems for a while, not because she didn't trust me, but because she didn't want to appear like what she really was.
I know it sounds a little bit sad, but everyone do this, someone less then others, but we do.
So everybody can appear perfect, they could be perfect to you and just you, but nobody really is.
But if you know a person and you know him/her really well, you'll find out those flaws and, if you're friends, you'll like them with all the rest of his/her beautiful qualities. (or you could ignore them, it depends by you)

Have you ever hidden your flaws? Or maybe someone you know did it?
Comment this post, i will answer to all of them (and maybe click +1)
bye xx



So, yeah, my first word is TRY. I've chosen it because this is what I'm actually doing. I'm trying to make this blog, I hope I'm doing it great.
How many of you haven't tried something because it was too much scaring? Well, I haven't too. I'm not fearless AT ALL. This blog is a big challenge for me. A thing I've never done in a language that isn't even my mother language. But I'm trying. And you should too.
A lot of people don't try just because they're scared. But if you don't try you'll never see what will happen in the future. Maybe it won't be a good thing, maybe yes. Nobody know it if you don't try. 
With this post I want to make you think on this.
Why you shouldn't try? I mean, I know how you feel, because I felt like that thousands times, but I'm trying to change.
I prefer to try and maybe feel sad or upset later that don't and wonder forever how it would have been. Don't you think it's better?
Obviously I don't mean to try things that would make you die, because risking your life is different (and I would probably feel guilty), but you could try to do something like- one of the most popular- tell your crush that's acutally your crush, or you could try new food, experiences and stuff like that.
Sometimes trying changes your life in better.

i'll be honest, I got inspired by Niki and Sammy Albon (check them out when you can), they made me try and I want to make YOU try now.
So let me think if you liked this short thought (or if i wrote something in the wrong way) in a comment. (+1 would be nice too)
bye xx 


Hi, my name is Susanna(but call me Susan or Suzanne, I prefer them), I'm almost 16 years old and I'm from Italy.
I created this blog like one month ago but I was too scared for wrting on it. So yeah, I hope you'll like it.
I already know I'll fail with english grammar, because I'm not a genius and I don't know everything. So please, forgive me and tell me when I'm wrong. You'll help me with this bad grammar.
I'll choose a word every week and I'll write here my thoughts. I hope someone will appreciate this.
Thank you!